Sunday 20 June 2010

Sun and God and fun and stuff.

Saturday was spent visiting Norham Castle and Church where Edward Longshanks recieved the allegience of King John Balliol "Toom Tabard". Funnily enough, I was in the company of the Great x18 grand daughter (on the wrong side of the blanket!) of the aforementioned Plantagenet at the time! Sunday to Murrayfield to preach on Father's Day where I explored, via reflection on my relationship with my own father, the sometimes ambiguous nature of father child relations - but the fact that they are imporant and the conflict of the Cross produced the rich fruit of the Resurrection. That provoked several conversation on conflict in relationships afterwards, so it was asermon worth preaching. You never know what parts your words will reach - that Holy Spirit is a startling bird indeed!

An afternoon post brunch chat with my atheist sponsor on what I actually thought about my Higher Power (Now it is for me a spirit rather than doctrinally defined and it actually does intervene in my life and not just in others lives because I learnt to turn my life over and admit my helplessness). We can now move onto the fearless moral inventory etc (horribly general confession-ish to my mind but necessary) part of the programme. A good weekend.

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