Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Bolshevik Priest!

Not exactly good news this link, but the threat to Coptic Christians hasn't lessened overnight: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20110104/tts-uk-egypt-church-ca02f96.html

Less worryingly (or maybe not), I have forgotten to admit to having been elected Shop Steward at work.  That blooming Bolshevik hat of mine is to blame I am sure!  if nothing else it commits me to occasional attendance at Staff/Management forums.  It was really a case of "We need Union representation - who's in it? (Moi and 2 others admitted to it) Who's willing (or not up for promotion in other words)? - Er, me. Will you do it? (Oh, OK).  Seems to happen to Worker Priests - I know a nice monk who is an Old Etonian and a Baronet to boot who was an NUM Shop Steward:-).  Come the revolution, they'll still probably shoot me - wrong sort of Revolutionary!


  1. I think you are being unduly optimistic here, Dougal. I very much doubt that they'll wait for the revolution :-)

  2. So you Episcopalian priests can marry like that Cutie guy on TV? That's great! Where in the Bible does God say "I order you to be cleibate!"?

  3. It doesn't - celibacy is an option for those who are called to it. The same applies to marriage:-)

  4. Marriage is an option?!!!

    You mean, I could have said no?

  5. Of course you could have said no - there is a long and subversive tradition of clerical b****ry:-)
