Sunday 30 November 2008

It's a new Year, but the same old me!

Advent has started, the candles are lit! My wee bloop at the 9am service was a minor classic. In Advent and Lent, we use the 1929 Prayer Book version of the Scottish Liturgy and the 10 commandments. Sadly, I omitted one today. Yep, adultery! To be fair, the 9am congregation are really a bit beyond adultery on the whole! I'll mention it next Sunday - I promise! Still, I have never surpassed my legendary double whammy at Evensong in Coates Hall. Opening versicle "O Lord open thou our legs" followed by prayers for "Edward our Queen" in the suffrage's!

The lunch party went well 30+ gathered to eat lentil soup and apple crumble. Very good indeed, the crumble. The orange peel made all the difference! Evening prayer at St Francis was OK, our annual renewal of the FCT Commitment went OK.

is off to court to do jury service after cancelling in August. No idea what that involves, but we shall see.


  1. Fabulous.

    It almost makes me with Coates had survived so the legend carried on. (almost.)

  2. But the legend continues on line!
