No, the meds ain't causing hallucinations: I took myself off to the Royal Scottish Academy this morning to look at the Turner in January exhibition and then into the National Gallery to feast my mince pies on familiar and well-loved things of beauty - a magnificent Immaculate Conception by some Spanish guy whose name begins with a 'Z', a still life with Monstrance by a Dutch artist and Poussin's "7 Sacraments" series. I hadn't noticed until today that in Poussin's "Baptism" picture (where John the Baptist is baptising Jesus in the Jordan) that Jesus was a redhead. Hence, "Ginger Jesus"! I'd got out of the habit, I realised, of refreshing my inner spirit with time spent enjoying art and beauty and I must make time in future to do this more often.
Then I went into the cafe under St John's Princes Street. In August it was taken over by Henderson's (the famed Edinburgh veggie restaurant) and I haven't been in. So I treated myself to spanokiptta (Greek spinach pie made with filo pastry) and salads, which brought back memories of wonderful holidays in Rhodes and Cyprus. I now have time to enjoy my idleness given that it's time limited and I'm going to make the most of it!
Music for pleasure today: Frankie Goes To Hollywood and "The Power of Love"
And just so nobody forgets the hoo-hah in Ireland:
Happy St Aelred's Day btw!
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