Tuesday 30 March 2010

The Day thou gavest - aye, thanks a bunch!

I set off for work today with a light some heart and joyful spirit. I returned, having spent an extra hour at work, frozen like a wee blue cloot, courtesy of a trip to sunny Craigmillar-by-the-Sea via Cameron Toll and a 25 minute yomp in the freezing rain! An African colleague navigated. Why did the King's African Rifles have European officers? Because at least the dimmer sons of Empire could use a bloody map! Still, at least I could let off steam to a nice lesbian film buff!
So it was shower, sausage casserole, chocolate pudding and a meeting. Then home to Horlicks, the paper and a big bar of chocolate! And spirituality? I did a five point examen on the back seat of the 31 bus to debug my mind! God, comfort food and chocolate - you know it works!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm... chocolate! And I like your version of the Trinity (God, comfort food and chocolate).
