Saturday, 17 May 2008

Confined to the patch...rats!

I was looking forward to going to Dunoon for Bloggers and Bluebells today. A nice drive, a ferry ride across the Clyde, a brisk stroll with mutts, picknik, tea and eucharist. A Great Pisky day out. But Max's paw is till wonky and I've crocked my neck. So he's on antibiotics from the vet and I'm going to plonk my aching body in the jacuzzi at the gym in the afternoon to ease away the aches and pains.

two bit of 'junk mail' made me think slightly today. One was from calling for an hour of silent prayer on the 14th July in thanksgiving for the 175th anniversary of the the OM. Sounds good to me, as the OM has been such a major influence on the dear old SEC. I just wonder if it could be combined with thanksgiving for the 219th anniverary of the French Revolution? That might appeal to Christian Socialists!

The other was a flyer for a company that provides the kit for a race night to raise funds. Has anyone out there organised a virtual night at the gee-gees for their Church and was it fun?


  1. You were sadly missed among the bluebells. There were also midges. Read all abaht it here

  2. Were there any of the dreaded ticks? Midges worry me not - I smoke Balkan Mixture!

  3. Oh Father Dougal, we missed you. There was another Max, but not another Dougal.

  4. Another Max! There's only one Max, unique indivisible ... bugger, writing this Trinity sermon is really getting to me mind!

  5. No ticks that I could find on my person - and as it's now Monday I reckon I'd have been feeling them if they were. Whew!

  6. So glad to know you're not infested dear!

  7. Hi Dougal re race nights, I have organised a couple of virtual snail race nights here in Arbroath, great fun and raised quite a lot of money. If you want any info let me know.

  8. Snail racing? That's a novel idea. Tell me more
